Thursday, February 27, 2014

Was this place in a movie?

When I saw this view I had the thought "It looks like a scene from a movie". Even now, when I look at this photograph I have that same thought going through my head.

Such a picturesque road.

 If only the weather was always like this and I had all day to sit at that picnic table...

Friday, February 21, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The coastline

 There was this random fence that blocked nothing and was only one row. Maybe it was supposed prevent people like me from walking close the edge... this.

I was very careful in how close to the edge I got. Who knows when the edge will give way again. I would have to walk very far along the coast to find a place I could even possibly climb up, and that would be with no injuries. So, if you do this please please please be very careful where you step!

Monday, February 17, 2014

A lighthouse, a rock and a bench

The lighthouse...can you see it?

 The rock....I hope you can see this!

The bench....with my beautiful friend, Kumi. Who wouldn't want to sit here and enjoy the view?

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Let's go for a drive

We kept wanting to stop along the road, but it was hard to find places wide enough for a car. Also, it was difficult to drive 5 minutes without another view that you would want to stop and admire.

Which directions would you go in?

 Perfect day, perfect view....just perfect.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Specialties of the Island

Nature, nature and nature! I couldn't get enough of the island. Trees and hill sides shaped by the winds. 

Unexpected pops of color.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Friday Harbor Architecture

 It had been a long time since I had seen a brick building and never one in such good condition. I really like the details of the second floor windows, too.

Such a variation of architecture on this island. Influences from many different places and people.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

What's a harbor without boats?

Every harbor needs boats, and places to dock them.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Harbor Randoms

Next time I visit I want to try this coffee shop. We didn't have enough time on this trip. I liked the font style, simple and yet interesting.

The play of sunlight.

In one of the shops there was a dog names Grace. She was so still and calm. We didn't realize she was real until we got closer.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Welcome to Friday Harbor!

I now understand why people like to visit Friday Harbor. It's a bit troublesome to get to the island, but it is worth it if you enjoy nature. The island is beautiful and if the weather is nice the ocean views around the island are very relaxing. But, before that you find the "downtown" of Friday Harbor as soon as you get off the ferry. 

This photo was taken in the evening. We were able to catch the last of happy hour and watch a ferry leave the dock. As you can see the weather changed by the end of the day.