Friday, September 14, 2012

New York Series: Architectural Design Inside the Metropolitan Museum of Art

 The art work on display is amazing, but so is the architecture of the museum. The detail in the ceiling is very interesting. It's an open space, but it's not an empty space.

 I know this isn't architecture, but I loved the design of this mirror. I also liked how the actual mirror reminded me of mirrors on Japanese roads (used to see blind spots).
That's us in the reflection of the mirror, Hi!

 Look at the arches, the pillars, the railing.....surprisingly not many people were on this top level. Which is a shame since you get a beautiful view of the entrance area and you get an idea of just how many people walk through those doors.

 Look at the deta oilf the window on the second floor

Leaving the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Good-bye, I had a wonderful time walking around the museum and seeing all the wonderful works of art and I hope to come back again

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